Thursday, February 22, 2007

Running FROM Scissors

Good Lord! At least Junebug had Amy Adams in it.

MOVIE REVIEW: Running With Scissors

If "Be Afraid! Be Very Afraid" weren't taken already that would be the tagline for this movie. It was downright painful to watch. In a bow to the lack of communication in my marriage, I assumed that since my wife chuckled a couple times at the dialogue that she wanted to watch this thing. So after sitting through a movie that seemed to rival the Lord of the Rings in length, the credits rolled and I yelled "THANK GOD!" My wife said, "Why did we watch that whole thing if you hated it that bad?"
"Because you were laughing!"
"They said a few funny things in the beginning. I didn't want to watch it."

So I wiped the blood from my eyes and we went to bed.

This movie was just crap. There was nothing positive to say about it. The cast was star studded. So, somebody owed someone something.


Oh Poop!

This past weekend we took the kids to the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia. They had a wonderful exhibit on Butterflies. The room is filled with all types of butterflies and if you stand still and wear bright colors, they will land on you. Well worth it! As we left the exhibit, they had to pick butterflies off on the wife and I.

Also in the Museum was a REALLY Big exhibit (a veritable exposé) on poop . . . .and what kid doesn't want to see that!! Click here for more info.
  • The Scoop On Poop

  • And here's some trivia:
  • Trivia

  • Actually, the exhibit was more interesting than I thought it was going to be. Despite the film of a Hippopatumas wagging its tail while dropping a duece to "mark it's territory", there was a lot of information that entertaining and informative. . . .Oh, and they had all kinds of plastic poop.

    The Best Hockey Fight Ever!

    No offense to Nick, but this is best one on one hockey fight ever. Nothing like a hockey fight with a dive in the tuck position.


    Why I love Nick fotiu

    Sunday, February 18, 2007

    Guess What I Saw Last Night?

    Last night, my son went to a Fun Night at his Karate place. They keep the kids from 6:00 to 10:00. That can only mean one thing. . . . .THE MOVIES!!!

    Despite my objection to having my daughter (14) see 'R' rated movies, we took her to see Pan's Labyrinth. This movie was great. An absolute MUST for Radio Gnome. Bring your glasses as it is in subtitles. A great fantasy movie with incredible imagery. It is set around the end of the Second World War and the violence is VERY GRAPHIC. Hence, the 'R' rating.

    Since the reviews splashed CAMPY all over Ghost Rider, I'm less likely to go racing out to see that, but I probably will.

    Thursday, February 15, 2007

    And Now Some Hockey Funnies. . . .

    Game On!

    Well, with the new Mother-In-Law situation, or lack there of, school closings mean only one thing . . . I'm home from work again. that's a six day weekend. With six days off, I could get a lot cleaned up in the house. Oooooorrrr. . . . . .Reilly and I could play PS2.

    Thanks to my brother Sean, Christmas produced the best video game in a long time. Sure I was looking for Ultimate Alliance

    which I got from someone else, but Justice League Heroes is the game. Reilly and I just finished it. Here is a screen shot.

    Now maybe Wyatt's playing Scarface with his kids, but this game was a blast AND it gave me "quality time" with the Playstat. . . I mean my son.

    We just started Alliance last night and we are going to pick it up again later today. the Marvel Nemesis game will have to wait a little bit.

    Wednesday, February 14, 2007

    Happy Valentine's Day

    Happy Valentine's Day To Everyone!

    In the true love that my wife and I share, we woke up this morning to an ice storm. The schools were closed and I decided to stay home from work. My wife took a look outside and said "If this doesn't clear up, you won't be getting anything for Valentine's Day." I responded "Good, I got you the same thing." And then there were hugs.

    What a stupid Holiday.

    On the flip side, my daughter wrote me a poem:
    Dad I really love you
    I can’t think of anything cant do
    You go on the computer or play playstation
    You collect action figures from every alien nation
    I like the smell of your shaving cream
    You Dad, help me fulfill my crazy dream
    What wouldn’t you do to make me smile?
    You always go that extra mile
    Even though you don’t like the boys
    Or my make-up “toys”
    I owe a lot to you
    Dad, you’re the reason I do what I do.

    Happy Valentine’s Day Dad!

    I love my dadlok

    Isn't that beautiful!!

    Tuesday, February 13, 2007

    The Yearling!

    Sometime in February last year, I started entered the Blogverse. It's kind of like the Negative Zone from the Fantastic Four in a way that if positive matter touches it an explosion could wipe out everything.

    So before I pontificate about my year in review. . . .a few jokes:

    1. Two antennas met on a roof, fell in love and got married. The ceremony wasn't much, but the reception was excellent.

    2. A jumper cable walks into a bar. The bartender says, "I'll serve you, but don't start anything."

    3. A man walks into a bar with a slab of asphalt under his arm and says: "A beer please, and one for the road."

    Now, where was I??

    It’s been a whole year. I’m pushing 7,000 hits!! That’s not too bad considering my intermittent postings. So, let’s muse. . . .

    The Blog thing for me has been fun over the last year. Wyatt talked me into trying one and truth be told I both wish that I had more time to devote to it and feel that I can be spending my time more productively.

    Changes that I plan for the future of the Blog.

    1. With some help, I’d like to figure out some of the nuances of changing the look and feel of my blog. It, quite frankly, is beyond me.

    2. I think that I need to go back to basics. Do what you know. If I can get a weekly comic review, some music review (including new stuff on hidebound maybe) and the occasional non-sequitor.

    I would like to thank everyone who visits the site. It certainly pales in comparison to a lot of the other Blogs.

    Thanks to all who visit and post. Here we go for year two.

    Tuesday, February 06, 2007

    And Now. . . The Trailer

    Who is that fine young woman with the Howitzer for a leg? Just Watch. . ..

    Quick Points!!

    As I sit here eating my lunch, I have a few quick points to make.

    1. Is this a great picture or what?

    2. HERR's Kettle Cooked BBQ Potato chips taste like dogs ass. I think it's actually listed in the ingredients.

    3. 24 - Did anyone not get the fact that Morris was the guy in the picture by 9:15?

    4. New Toy Alert!! iPod? I laugh at your iPod. This little baby is my new toy. . .

    The Creative Vision M - $199 for 30 GB . . . .That's 3-0 GIG!!. . . .It show movies and video and I currently have 3646 songs on it and it's about two thirds full. Once I get the video/movies off I should be about to go a few thousand more songs. It's a walking arsenal of music. I HIGHLY recommend one of these.

    Movie Recap - Netflix recently sent these fine films (Not all were picked by me).
    1. Ringer - A very good movie. Funny. A good rent.
    2. Just Friends - Despite that fact that I thought "Well, I have to let my daughter pick some of the movies", this wasn't too bad. Kind of a chick flick, but it was worth the rent.
    3. Employee of the Month - Basic Slacker Movie minus any of the worthwhile parts. I want my two hours of life back.

    Next Up -
    Now You Know - A Jeff anderson film that was previewed on the Clerks II DVD. Looks like it might be funny.
    Running With Scissors - I said I did't pick em all

    NOTE: I was flipping through the channels the other night and accidently hit SIN CITY. Thus, I was forced to watch the rest of it. Damn! I had things to do too. What a great flick.