Running FROM Scissors
Good Lord! At least Junebug had Amy Adams in it.
MOVIE REVIEW: Running With Scissors
If "Be Afraid! Be Very Afraid" weren't taken already that would be the tagline for this movie. It was downright painful to watch. In a bow to the lack of communication in my marriage, I assumed that since my wife chuckled a couple times at the dialogue that she wanted to watch this thing. So after sitting through a movie that seemed to rival the Lord of the Rings in length, the credits rolled and I yelled "THANK GOD!" My wife said, "Why did we watch that whole thing if you hated it that bad?"
"Because you were laughing!"
"They said a few funny things in the beginning. I didn't want to watch it."
So I wiped the blood from my eyes and we went to bed.
This movie was just crap. There was nothing positive to say about it. The cast was star studded. So, somebody owed someone something.