Thursday, September 20, 2007

REPENT Pagans!!

Tonight is the return to Deathlok - Religious Education Teacher.

I am going into another year of teaching 8th grade Catholic children and preparing them for Confirmation. If you don't know what that is, your soul is probably already damned. Just move on!

I usually start the year off pretty tenative because the 8th graders are tough. They have had just about enough of this imposition and for the most part, their parents are horrible and hypocritical.

This year, however, is different. I received a phone call last night from one of my students from last year. He asked if he could be my Aide. He was a student aide for 1st grade last year (actually in my son's room) and they all loved him. He enjoyed my class so much and thought that he could do more than mind 1st graders. TO give you a brief overview. This kid is a great kid. He is VERY personable and a little bit of trouble. He is the BMOC a class clown all rolled into one. This is why I am exited. Having him help teach students that are 1 year younger gives them a little more of a practical feel for their religion (instead of "I wish this old guy would shut up!") It also shows them (hopefully) that you can be really into your religion and be a regular fun-loving cool kid in school.

Considering that one of my other students tried to commit suicide over the summer, that balances out. Seriously, for someone who questions whether I make a difference doing this, it's nice to get a little Celestial pat on the head.


At 12:37 PM, Blogger Buckaroo Banzai said...

Beware of the "Pagans" comments. Rt may be reading. HA!

At 2:40 PM, Blogger BobG said...

" REPENT Pagans!!"

Luckily I'm just a heathen, so I don't have to repent...

At 3:25 PM, Blogger Captain America said...

I was on my way to hell when the hell bus passed me by. Apparently Wyatt had already got on and there was no more room!

At 6:12 PM, Blogger The British Bird. said...

ah, the hell bus.. Him and I consider ourselves pagans so I guess we are getting on too, shove over Wyatt..
:-) More power to you deathlok for attempting to teach the kiddies. someones got to tell them right from wrong.

At 10:59 PM, Blogger IHeartQuilting said...

When we were in Catholic elementary school, every year they would ask us to save our money for the Pagan babies. All the Pagans I know say they never saw any of that money. I want my pennies back.

At 9:06 AM, Blogger Deathlok said...

Mrs Deathlok was one of those pagan babies. So, I feel that I eventually got my monies worth.

At 2:41 PM, Blogger Sezme said...

I prefer Pagan men. Now, I know why the Catholics next door felt I wasn't good enough to play with their kids.

I'll go back to the whole worship God and pray to God thing, now. You know...without the middle man. ;P


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